AxoCalculator is a general purpose programmable calculator, fully integrated within a text editor. Standard scientific functions (sin, cos, exp, ... ) and statistical calculations are supported. Calculations are performed by typing them into the editor window then pressing "enter". This approach maintains a record which can be cross-checked or printed.
AxoCalculator is also a multi-language development environment. Programs and functions can be written in Pascal, Fortran, Basic or C and executed by AxoCalculator's multi-language interpreter. Programs can interact with the user via standard dialogs. They can be assigned names which are then appended to the "Calculator" menu. Programs can be automatically loaded onto the menu each time AxoCalculator is run. For details see the accompanying documents :
• "Getting Started"
• "Built in Functions"
• "Built in Procedures"
• "Programming in [Pascal, Fortran, Basic or C]"
AxoCalculator is a spin off from "AxoGraph", a scientific graphics and data analysis program available from Axon Instruments. An extended version of AxoCalculator is built into AxoGraph, and can be used to manipulate data and automate analysis. AxoGraph is optimized for speed when displaying and analyzing large numbers of data points. It outperforms other graphics programs when working with data sets greater than a few hundred points. It can read and display a 100,000 point file in a few seconds (2.5 sec on a IIfx). AxoGraph imports binary digitized data files acquired on either Mac or IBM computers. It has features for browsing and analysing episodic data, and many signal analysis features including automatic peak detection and measurement and very fast exponential curve fitting. It has several unique display options, including scale bars, raster display, zero-crossing axes, etc.
For a brochure or a demo version of AxoGraph write to :
Axon Instruments,
1101 Chess Dr.
Foster City, CA 94404
Fax (415) 571-9500
Axon Instruments also offers a variety of data acquisition and image analysis software and hardware.
Known Problems and Limitations
AxoCalculator's implementations of Pascal, Basic, Fortran and C are designed for writing short, simple programs. Many language features are not implemented. Some of the strict requirements of the various languages have been relaxed to make programming easier. Unfortunately this can lead to ambiguities when working with complex statements or program flow structures. Even if you are very familiar with one of the above languages, please take a few moments to check the documentation for that language.
Bug Reports, etc.
Axon Instruments does NOT provide tech support for AxoCalculator. Send bug reports or suggestions by E-Mail to "",
or by regular mail to
John Clements
c/o Axon Instruments
1101 Chess Dr,
Foster City, CA, 94404
The multi-language interpreter at the core of AxoCalculator was derived from a Pascal interpreter written by Wayne Rasband and included in the public domain image analysis program "Image".
AxoCalculator is freeware. You are under no obligation to pay for it if you choose to use it. You are encouraged to copy and distribute AxoCalculator for non-commercial use with the following restrictions:
• You may copy and distribute the self-extracting
“AxoCalculator.sea” file but not the individual application
and document files. This ensures that users receive a complete
package with all documentation files.
• You may not modify the “AxoCalculator.sea” file in any way.
• You may not charge any fee for the use, copying or distribution
of the product.
• Clubs and user groups may charge a nominal fee (not to exceed $10)
for expenses while distributing AxoCalculator. All other
organizations must obtain written permission from the author to
distribute copies of AxoCalculator if any fee is charged for the
use, copying or distribution of the product.
• The above conditions also apply to the self-extracting